MNIST Digit Classification#
Load the MNIST image dataset and use a simple deep learning model to run classification on each image. Evaluate the model's performance with simple aggregations.
Run this tutorial on Google Colab
Running LLMs on the Red Pajamas Dataset#
Load the Red Pajamas dataset and perform similarity search on Stack Exchange questions using language models and embeddings.
Run this tutorial on Google Colab
Querying Images with UDFs#
Query the Open Images dataset to retrieve the top N "reddest" images. This tutorial uses common open-source tools such as numpy and Pillow inside Daft UDFs to execute this query.
Run this tutorial on Google Colab
Image Generation on GPUs#
Generate images from text prompts using a deep learning model (Mini DALL-E) and Daft UDFs. Run Daft UDFs on GPUs for more efficient resource allocation.