Huggingface Datasets

Huggingface Datasets#

Daft is able to read datasets directly from Huggingface via the hf://datasets/ protocol.

Since huggingface will automatically convert all public datasets to parquet format, we can read these datasets using the read_parquet method.


This is limited to either public datasets, or PRO/ENTERPRISE datasets.

For other file formats, you will need to manually specify the path or glob pattern to the files you want to read, similar to how you would read from a local file system.

Reading Public Datasets#

import daft

df = daft.read_parquet("hf://datasets/username/dataset_name")

This will read the entire dataset into a daft DataFrame.

Not only can you read entire datasets, but you can also read individual files from a dataset.

import daft

df = daft.read_parquet("hf://datasets/username/dataset_name/file_name.parquet")
# or a csv file
df = daft.read_csv("hf://datasets/username/dataset_name/file_name.csv")

# or a glob pattern
df = daft.read_parquet("hf://datasets/username/dataset_name/**/*.parquet")


For authenticated datasets:

from import IOConfig, HTTPConfig

io_config = IoConfig(http=HTTPConfig(bearer_token="your_token"))
df = daft.read_parquet("hf://datasets/username/dataset_name", io_config=io_config)

It’s important to note that this will not work with standard tier private datasets. Huggingface does not auto convert private datasets to parquet format, so you will need to specify the path to the files you want to read.

df = daft.read_parquet("hf://datasets/username/my_private_dataset", io_config=io_config) # Errors

to get around this, you can read all files using a glob pattern (assuming they are in parquet format)

df = daft.read_parquet("hf://datasets/username/my_private_dataset/**/*.parquet", io_config=io_config) # Works